Eliminate Waterborne Risks to Health

Simple, reliable water quality tests for healthcare facilities



Water Quality Testing in Healthcare Facilities

In Developed Countries

Antimicrobial resistant (AMR) E. coli is often very resistant to several antibiotics. Such resistance has been increasing for decades due to overuse and misuse of antibiotics in human and animal medicine. Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health issue, including in developed countries. A common strain of AMR E. coli is called ESBL (extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing) E. coli. These strains are considered critical priority pathogens by the World Health Organization.

When humans and animals have persistent ESBL E. coli in their gut or consume them, their infected feces can enter  healthcare facility effluent and sewerage. Effective monitoring and surveillance of water is needed to support prevention and control of AMR occurrence and transmission in healthcare facilities.

In Low and Middle Income Countries

Antimicrobial resistant (AMR) E. coli is a global health threat in low and middle income countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) Tricycle Protocol encourages countries and other stakeholders to monitor ESBL E. coli, including in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

In addition:

  • 1.8 billion people lacked basic water services at their health care facilities, including 1.1 billion who had a limited service and 712 million who had no water service at all (WHO/UNICEF 2019)
  • 9% of healthcare facilities had no water service, meaning that they either used water from an improved source more than 500 meters from the facility, an unimproved source, or had no water source at all. (WHO/UNICEF 2019)
  • In least developed countries, only 50% of healthcare facilities had a basic water service(WHO/UNICEF 2019)

Aquagenx Test Kits for Healthcare Facilities

AMR ESBL E. coli Kits

AMR ESBL E. coli test kits provide either Most Probable Number (MPN) or Colony Forming Units (CFU) test results.

E. coli + Total Coliform Kits

E. coli + Total Coliforms test kits provide either Presence/Absence or Most Probable Number (MPN) test results.

E. coli Kits

E. coli-only kits provide Colony Forming Units (CFU) test results.